No nonsense person

I was watching an episode of a guest in Life is spiritual with Erica, who had a testimony of how she went to heaven and came back. One thing that she said was that God the Father is a no nonsense person. This has stack with me for a while, and as I read the Bible a few days ago, a verse just kind of confirmed this statement.

Numbers 35:33 – “‘Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it.
Numbers 35:34 – Do not defile the land where you live and where I dwell, for I, the LORD, dwell among the Israelites.'”

In the Old Testament God did not joke around with sin. In the above scripture, a murderer had to die, to ensure that the camp where Israelites lived was free from bloodshed. There are so many other scriptures that show how God would punish sin, in the Old Testament. In the New Testament we have the story of Ananias and his wife who lied before Apostle Peter, and they died on the spot.

The Bible says that God is the same, He doesn’t change. It’s easy for us to forget the God who hated sin because we’re in a season of Grace. But today I’d like to remind us that the same God who didn’t want sin in the physical camp of the Israelites, now lives inside us. If He hates sin, then we cannot afford to entertain sin in us. I bet this will help us to be careful what we do, see, think etc because God hasn’t changed. His character is still the same. He hates sin although He loves sinners. As christians we just need to be careful not to offend Him as we constantly remind ourselves that He lives inside of us.
Be blessed

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