Prize giving day

As kids prize giving day in school was a day I used to look forward to, especially when I knew I was in the list of those who would get a present. However there’s this one time that I was sure I wasn’t in the list because we had talked with friends in class and it seemed I wasn’t among the top performers in that exam. The names were called out, and when it was our class’s turn my name was called. I hesitated because I knew I wasn’t supposed to get a gift, at last after my name was called again I went and picked the gift, but I went straight to our class teacher and told her that I didn’t deserve the gift. Later after the meeting, we followed her and she mentioned that the results had been calculated by a computer which she didn’t think would make a mistake and therefore asked my friend to go and recalculate the results.

On thinking about this day, I imagine how it’ll be in heaven as we all give an account of our life on earth. One lady who was giving her story on Near Death Experience talked of seeing people she had termed as very gifted spiritual people, in heaven being in lower grades of rewards, compared to the expectations based on how they were viewed on earth. That always makes me concerned, what will it be be like , standing before the creator of the universe and being answerable for all the gifts and assignments allocated to me.

Jesus even mentioned that there are people who call Him Lord, who’ll not enter heaven, leave alone get a gift. There are also those who will be shocked as they get gifts they least expected, and He’ll be telling them, the day you did this and that for this person you did it to me, you deserve the gift.

Which category would you like to be? Those who’ll be expecting a gift but they get none or little, or those who’ll get gifts beyond expectations? I bet the latter is your desire. Well now is the time to work for those gifts. Like the Bible says, we should work now while it’s still day, before the night comes and you cannot work anymore.

Be blessed

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